Newsletter for August: The Line 11.8
The Anglican Convocation of the West
Volume XI, Number 8
In this issue:
Fixing the Church by The Right Rev. Winfield Mott
The Bread of Life by The Very Rev. Canon Michael Penfield
Consecration of Our New Bishop Coadjutor
The Line is available in two formats.
The Line, Volume 11.8 Web (PDF for web / email distribution)
The Line, Volume 11.8 Print (PDF for printed booklet / parish distribution)
Note: If you personally enjoy or wish to continue to distribute the Line in booklet format for printing, please let us know by replying to this email. If there is not interest, then we may consider moving to a single PDF format.
Back issues are available from the Newsletter page.
The Anglican Convocation of the West
About the Convocation
We are a missionary people living out the historical, Biblical Christian faith in the Anglican tradition.
We are part of The Missionary Diocese of All Saints (ACNA).